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SEO Spark

SEO Schools helps high achieving students in Years 11-13 from low socioeconomic backgrounds access academic, professional and enrichment opportunities. 

SEO Spark are an 1-day career insight opportunity providing schools with professional firm volunteers to engage with their students. SEO London will arrange and organise a day within a school setting to encourage accessibility to professionals, meaningful interactions and insights.


The free programme of activity delivered is targeted to schools that have student populations above national average level of disadvantage.

Exposure to career options

Gatsby Benchmarks

(G2, G3 , G5 & G8)

Networking opportunities with professionals

CV Development

Addressing Stereotypes

Educational Career planning

Do you work in a school? Register your interest for SEO Spark

Job Role (eg. Teacher/Careers Leader)

"SEO London have undoubtedly had a huge positive impact on both my personal and career 
development. I have felt more comfortable approaching and networking with professionals as 
well as being more confident in myself. If I hadn’t become an SEO London student, I would be on 
a vastly different career path and I am forever grateful."

Gabriel, SEO Schools Alumni


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