SEO London outreach efforts are guided by our data-driven strategy, with a focus on building relationships with schools, colleges, student societies, universities, organisations, and other charities across the UK.

Do you work with students in year 11 - 13?
Industry and programme introductions
Student Q&A
Registration support
Teacher Information Sessions
Industry and programme introductions
Staff Q&A
Resource sharing
Collaboration and planning meetings
Success stories and testimonials to support with Gatsby Benchmark reporting

Do you work with university students and/or graduates?
Career ready advice and guidance
Introduction to the Industries or CV support
Registration support
Freshers' Fairs
Resources and information from a representative about SEO London including our programmes and industries at the start of the academic year
Physical/Digital Marketing
On campus physical and digital resources sharing information about SEO London
Interactive Workshops
Interactive workshops tailored to specific student groups (e.g., those interested in finance, technology, law or exploring corporate pathways).
Career Fairs
Resources and information from a representative about SEO London including our programmes and industries
Mailing List
Information and insights into upcoming programmes
Anisa Patel,
Leyton Sixth Form College
“SEO London are an incredible organisation which provides structured programmes for students to help them feel inspired & empowered about their future”

Year 12 student
"I wasn't too sure about my career pathway prior to the talk, I now feel like my perspective has been broadened.”
Contact us at communications @seo-london.org
School Partnerships
40 + Schools in London and the surrounding area supporting students from underrepresented backgrounds
Charities and non-profits working with underrepresnted students interested in corporate pathways
University of Bristol
Unity and Diversity in Law
BAME in Finance
University of Warwick
Warwick Private Equity
Warwick Economics Society
Warwick Hedgefund Society
University of York
York Law Society
London School of Economics
Alternative Investments Conference Society
City, University of London
Women in Finance Society
University of East Anglia
Finance and Investment Society
Imperial College London
Venture Capital and Private Equity Society
University of Sussex
Sussex Business Society
University of Exeter
Exeter Student Investment Fund (ExSIF)
Business and Finance Society
King's College London
93% Club
University of Leeds
Leeds Economic Society
University of East London
University of East London Banking Society
University of Huddersfield
Huddersfield’s Economics and Finance Society